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美式 | 休闲式的浪漫

中茂装饰2020-09-17 21:29:37


项目名称 / 水漾花城

项目类型 / 3式2厅1厨2卫

设计风格 / 美式

项目面积 / 126㎡

设计师 / 沙思琪

工程造价 / 20万




American style represents a free, casual and unruly way of life. Without too many artificial modifications and constraints, casual romance can be achieved inadvertently. And these elements also just reflect a need for lifestyle, and the effect of decoration shows that the house has a sense of culture and nobility, while it does not lack a sense of freedom and emotional appeal.


Gray color coating and lines are used on the wall of the living room, resulting in a misty softness. Beige and gray-green soft clothes use classic color matching to the fullest, and the golden decoration gives people a stunning feeling, making the whole space more brilliant.


The chandeliers selected by some restaurant designers are full of artistic conception, and the dining time becomes wonderful. The design of the card holder not only increases the storage space, but also echoes the whole color and style, and perfectly blends into the whole area.

主卧优雅低调的灰色在这里便是对空间主人性格的描述,金色边条略微的亮色雕琢在整个空间里也是对品质生活的诠释。The elegant and low-key gray of the master bedroom is the best description of the character of the master of the space, and the slightly bright color of the gold edging is also an interpretation of the quality life in the whole space.


The second bedroom follows the elegant tone of gray. Considering the parents\' living, it uses a deep walnut double bed. Light soft clothes decorate the warm atmosphere, and gold penetrates every space, carefully modifying daily life.


The design of the children\'s room continues the comfortable gray tone. The design of the locker with a whole wall can not only meet the needs of children to put their favorite things, but also give the space a powerful storage function and expand the utilization of the wall space. In the early stage, the activity and play space is the main place, and the bedding will be placed after the children grow up.


The balcony is furnished with tables and chairs in Phnom Penh, which is fashionable and atmospheric. You can enjoy afternoon tea in Jing Ya in a quiet afternoon.


联络地址盘门景区:设计创意中心地址:姑苏区盘门路28号电话:0512-6529 5800




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